Wow alot of things happened while I was 8 months old. I got my first tooth, I started to pull myself up and stand and begin to walk around holding on the couch (not very well, but a guys got to start somewhere). I got my first serious cold (scared my parents to death). Oh yeah I got my second tooth as well. mmmmm, I love breakfast.

Singin' in the Rain, I'm singin' in the rain!!!

This is my good side

Just jammin'

Man!!! This thing is really out of tune.

the ancient chinese art of leaf folding...he who fold leaf 1000 times accomplish anything

naahhhh forget it I'll just eat it instead

hangin' at the park with mom

corn, it's not just for ethanol anymore

helping dad get my high-chair ready for some lunch

props for my mom

in case you didn't get it the first time

hey!! what the heck is thing on my head?

Mohawk? Check. War Face? Check. Teeth to bite the enemy? Ch...crap!!! just one.

Hmmm, looks like Marshall's is having a sale on whites

I didn't like Marshall's anyway

loungin' in my like? I know, I know it's cool but not one word about those over-alls got it?

Everybody run!!!!!!!!!!! Sharks in the Pool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Havin' a good time


Some serious toy business

Can you believe I had a 103 fever in this picture? Nothing can slow down the Fun Machine!!
Dad you're not gonna show this corny picture to my dates when they come over, are you?

What'ch ya lookin' at sucka?

Don't you know I'm number 1
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