Look Dad and I are matching. Too cool!
Wow, this is a cool contraption. I like being able to sit up high and see the world.




Really I am having fun...just tired of so many pictures. This is one of about 20 and we have only been here an hour.

Look Im swimming all by myself

All wrapped up and ready for my walk with mom to the market.

Swimming with Dad! The water feels so good!
Lunch with dad under the palms...so relaxing
Look Im swimming all by myself
All wrapped up and ready for my walk with mom to the market.

I am three months old and lov'n life. This month has been great. I moved to an new country. I got to hang out with friends at Sakkara Country Club, I got a nanny (her name is Theresa) Im not so sure about her yet, I will let you know. I get to go to Dad's soft ball games (they rock) and I have a little kiwi buddy named Sebastian. He's about half my age but were cool! I learned to roll from my tummy to my back. This is great because I hate tummy time and now I know how to get out of it. YAY! I'm pretty strong. I can sit up with a little help. Give me a few weeks and I know I will do it all by myself.
Swimming with Dad! The water feels so good!
Soooooo Sweeeeet!!!!!!!!!